Sunday, April 16, 2023

April 13, 1981 – The Ritz after the Jefferson Raid – Journal Entry

Paul Garcia, Arthur's partner, at the Jefferson, said he was going to be at the Ritz tonight. I walked there at 10 expecting a no-show, but he was speaking with the owner at the downstairs bar. Jerry signaled the barman and said, "Give this man whatever he wants to drink. He had a rough night."

Jerry was one of us, but not Paul, who surprised me by cuffing me money.


My nightly pay.

I counted it twice.

"It's all there," the model said annoyed by my distrust.

"I'm not good with numbers." I counted the money again and ordered a Stoly Screwdriver. It was Arthur's favorite drink and

"Thanks for the money." Most people would have stiffed an employee after a police raid. Paul hadn't needed to pay anyone. "Have you seen anyone?"

"Scottie's upstairs," answered Paul without asking anything about the raid. The less he knew the better. "We're opening this weekend. Are you in?"

I nodded yes and raised my glass.

"To the Jefferson."

I climbed the back stairs to the rear bar where Scottie was speaking with the bartender, Don, who was now going out with my ex-, Elizabeth. I was happy for the new couple, but not with Scottie looking over my shoulder.

"What? You think I'd snitched you out to the police?"

Last night I had seen him leave the Jefferson without a police escort. His eyes had met mine. He saw no one and I saw no one back.

"Just checking."

I leaned close and said, "They aren't after us. They're after Arthur."

They were Internal Affairs and the criminal element of the 9th Precinct.

"He made it out the back door."

Arthur had said he was the only one they were after.

"I figured as much. Paul paid me my wages. you know I went into the Jefferson this morning."

Scottie didn't have to ask why.

"Conniver the Australian bartender was my lookout and I climb up to the Marquee. I searched the place for money. I found none, but I got more than a few bags of blow. I did them all with Conniver at my place. It wasn't that much."

"Cool, we're opening this weekend."

"I told Paul I'm in."

"Good." He raised his glass and we silently toasted whatever was in our mind.

Nothing. = ncsza a nbbvcccxxz/.,mnmk,kj '

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