Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Cannibals have better taste than Nazis

Polish jokes usually depend on the premise that all Poles are stupid. We know that is not true, however the foreign minister reputedly made the following joke.

"Have you heard that Obama may have a Polish connection? His grandfather ate a Polish missionary."

The Polish government has not denied the statement, but protested it wasn't racist.

This coming from a nation that helped exterminate the Jews.

Sure that was 60 years ago, but better a cannibal than a Nazi in your family.

6,000,000 Jews can't be wrong and cannibals are only eating people because we taste so good.


Anonymous said...

That was a bad joke.

Now can enlighten your audience how the Polish nation "helped to exterminate the Jews"?

Polish Jews lived in Poland since the middle ages when their ancestors were expelled from western Europe. Nazis punished Poles for aiding their fellow citizens with death. Despite that, Poland has the highest number of people recognized in the Yad Vashem museum (http://www1.yadvashem.org/righteous_new/vwall.html). Poland did not sign a treaty with the Nazis or the Soviet "allies"; there was no collaborator government like the French Vichy.

There were cases of mobs attacking Jewish villagers. These were criminal acts - people were convicted and went to jail after the war for this type of stuff. That hardly qualifies as "nation that helped exterminate the Jews"


My friend's sister was walking down a Warsaw street. She had a a balloon in here hand. A Polish policeman walked up to her and shot the young girl dead. She was 8. Her crime. Being a Jew and holding balloon.

Are all Poles this way?


But some were and more.