Sunday, November 9, 2008

The Land of No

The Banglamung District Chief has issued a series of warning to Pattaya bar owners about the various violations deemed unacceptable to the forces of Law and Order.

No drugs except for tobacco and even that has to be smoked in designated areas. No weapons including hand grenades. No dildo shows or sex shows or nakedness. No serving minors under 20. No alcohol after-hours.

Obviously this man has no idea about having a good time, but then he probably comes from the law enforcement field and those men never have a good time unless it's at someone else's expenses. The DC is hopeful that he can forced the bar owners to obey the strictures of his realm of no-no-no.

Another area of concern was the licensing of music.

Seems the Eagles aren't getting paid all their royalty rights for the constant playing of HOTEL CALIFORNIA.

Happy is never having to hear the word 'no'

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