The GOP and Fox News has assaulted President Obama's proposed reform of health care in America. They have successfully rallied their supporters with tales of death camps and communism. Democratic and Republican congresspeople have been verbally assaulted by devotees to free-market medicine. These elected representative for the most part have resembled deer in the headlight, however the other day Massachusetts Congressman Barney Frank responded to a young woman's accusation linking the Democratic health campaign to the Nazi legend with characteristic bravado.
"Miss, what planet do you reside on?" Barney Frank pulled no punches and added, "Speaking with you is like having a debate with the dining room table."
Barney Frank is no dinosaur. He might love you and he might love me, but he certainly don't put up with any gruff from right-wing loonies.
The answer to the question.
Shut the fuck up.
To see youtubes version of this debate go to this URL http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nYlZiWK2Iy8&feature=player_embedded
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