My position on drug legalization has been well-stated over the years, however I ma not naive enough to ignore the problems besetting those using drugs in extreme or the people surrounding them, mostly innocent family members or neighbors.
Pot is no longer pot. It's turbo-powered skunk.
I don't smoke that mutant shit.
Blow is a concoction of cocaine, heroin, and Viagra.
No quality control at all and it's driving addicts crazy along with their insensate dealers. A female friend is totally stressed by the dealers across from her house.
"I'm looking to move because of the ignorant drug dealers and surrounding neighbors who are users and the gossipers and the fact that I need to get out before it gets out of hand as I am apparently the only one with a small child who has a living reason to care."
Chairman Mao killed most of opium dealers and those addicts who the Communist Party could not rehabilitate. That tactic is not an option in the USA, although PM Thaksin of Thailand had death squads murder most than 3000 suspected druggie in his War on Drugs.
No change, so I suggested that my friend move ASAP.
Sometimes Tai-Flee is the best course of action.
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