Sunday, August 9, 2009

DILLENGER - the movie

The legend of John Dillinger's penis has grown through the decades following his assassination at the hands of the FBI and every year the Smithsonian receives hundreds of requests for information about the bank robber's supposedly 22-inch crank.
Museum curators deny the existence of such a unique curio, yet the myth persists in the imagination of the common man.

A white man with a 22-inch penis.

Movie producers of DILLINGER understood the power of this story and accordingly cast Johny Depp in the lead role of the 2009 film. Only this year Trojan condoms quashed rumors about the mega-star fronting their product. True of false the news added inches to Johnny Depp's member and he exuded the aura of 'John Holmes' throughout the love scenes of the movie.

DILLINGER is a grim tale of desperate times. The FBI hunt down his gang. death sprawled across the wasteland of middle America. In the end John Dillinger dies alone, betrayed by a brothel madam. The lady in red who accompanied him to the cinema was reputed to be a call girl. The FBI liked this story, however J Edgar Hoover was not happy with the undying adulation from the public. Dillinger robbed banks. The people hated the banks. They hated cops too. John Dillinger was one of their own. A bad man, but their bad man.

The myth of Dillinger's penis is attributed to a photo showing him on a slanted slab. The crowds around him are gawking at the dead body and not tentpole holding up the sheet. The rigor mortis erectus. Heroic post mortum shot granting the dead criminal immortality.

"They're not going to get me." John Dillinger boasted, but they got him in Chicago. A lesser-known quote comes after his escape from jail. "In jail all I can think about is sex and every day without it is like a steel band tightening around my head."


A legend not a hero.

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