My flight to Beijing left American airspace someplace over Plattsburg, NY. Several F-16s are permanently on call to protect the country from terrorist attacks. On 9/11 only twelve jets were available for interception of the final hijacked plane. Its target was supposedly the White House. It crashed in Pennsylvania. America has been riven into two camps by that day.
Left or right.
In truth the division dates back to the 50s and 60s.
To the right the left are commies and to the left the right are Nazis.
These accusations were best stated in the famous William F. Buckley - Gore Vidal debate during the 1968 Democratic Convention.
William Buckley had served the nation as the WWII honor guard for Harry Truman, whereas Gore Vidal was stationed in the Aleutian Islands, an infamous destination for suspect homosexuals. The two argued about the validity of the US involvement in Vietnam. Vidal told Buckley, "Shut up a minute."
Buckley accused the Yippie protesters of Nazism and Vidal responded by saying, "As far as I'm concerned, the only sort of pro-Crypto-Nazi I can think of is yourself."
Bill Buckley got hot.
"Now listen, you queer. Stop calling me a crypto-Nazi, or I'll sock you in the goddamn face and you'll stay plastered."
Classic confrontation TV.
To see this moment in history go to the following URL
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