The Thai government will be issuing free paper tapes to measure a man's penis size according to width. The range will be 49-52-53-54-56 millimeters. The test is suggested to improve the use of condoms within the macho society. Those men with larger and smaller penises will be left out of the push to combat the rising number of those men infected with the AIDS virus.
"Larger size condoms can slip off or deaden the pleasure during sex, while smaller ones will cause discomfort to wearers. These factors dissuade people from using condoms - which encourages the spread of HIV/Aids. Making good fitting condoms available will be useful in dealing with the reemerging HIV/Aids problem as well as promoting the widespread practice of safe sex in Thailand." Group organizer said about organ.
Free condoms will be distributed throughout cities and villages.
No one seems to consider the shame of a man finding out his penis is smaller than normal or that some men might wear the paper tape to boast of their girth. I expect a big spike in penis enlargement sales.
The best way to measure your penis is to stand and measure the penis parallel to the floor. Tape from the root on top to the tip. Do so on different days. Sometimes we are larger than other. Calculate the average size by adding the findings and then dividing by the tests.
My size is well-known.
Almost 6 inches.
Plenty for me, although for once I'd like to hear a woman say, "Not with that you don't."
Actually I have heard that, but they were more talking about me.
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