It was to me and it's very well written and I hope that you enjoy it too .
by Abigail Elizabeth McIntyre

Shit It's Cold
The End
Thanks to Allison of Palm Beach. Her tree are dying from the cold.
"It was the coldest winter in nearly 40 years."
It wasn't always that way and maybe it won't be again, but I remember driving to Florida in April 1971. Chet, Paul Keenan, Moose, and I headed for Fort Lauderdale. It was spring break. We had rented a house across from the infamous Elbow Room. The Sunshine State's drinking age was 18. The four of us were legal. This was our first interstate road trip. We crossed the state line around 9pm. WBZ was on the radio. The Boston station was broadcasting the NHL play-offs. Bruins-Canadians. We were leading 'les Habitants' by 2 goals in the 3rd period. The station's 50,000 kilowatt signal gave out at the 'free OJ' welcome stand. We reached Fort Lauderdale at dawn. We went to swim at sunrise. I read the morning newspaper on the beach. The Bruins has lost 7-5. None of my friends cared about the loss.
We were on a beach with girls in bikinis.
There was no more winter.
Until 2010.
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