THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 7pm at Freddy's Backroom
Mr. Beller's Neighborhood Reading Series is moving to Brooklyn and as a tribute to our move to the Dodgers home borough, our first event will feature all stories from New Yorkers and their love for the game- any game- all games! We will hear from soft-ballers, basket-ballers, marathon-ballers- all kinds of ballers!
Readers on February 18th are PATRICK SAUER, PETER NOLAN SMITH, JB McGEEVER. The host is CONNOR GAUDET.
Patrick Sauer is a former hotel reviewer at Oyster.com, a contributing editor at Inc. and a senior editor at TheDailyTube.com, Sauer also writes for New York, Fast Company, City, Details, Success, Jewcy, Mr. Beller,s Neighborhood, Popular Science, Smith, Portfolio.com and ESPN.com. He is the author of Court TV Presents: You Be the Judge and The Complete Idiot’s Guide to the American Presidents. For more, check out PatrickJsauer.com.
Peter Nolan Smith left New England in 1976 for the East Village. Most of his 21st Century has been spent in Pattaya, Thailand, although this year he summered in Palm Beach writing BET ON CRAZY, a semi-fiction book detailing his career as a diamond salesman on New York’s 47th Street. He is the editor and writer of www.Mangozeen.com.
JB McGeever's stories have appeared in Hampton Shorts, $pread Magazine, and The Southampton Review, with nonfiction in The New York Times, Newsday, Daily News, and Lost and Found: Stories from New York.
Connor Gaudet is a Brooklyn-based writer and musician passionately pursuing a life of debt and poverty. Diarist, embellisher, and non-fiction storyteller, he occasionally comes clean at thedailyhell.typepad.com
Freddy’s Bar & Backroom is located at 485 Dean St. @ 6th Ave in Prospect Heights, Brooklyn. The phone number is 718.622.7035.
CONTACT: Connor Gaudet
Phone: 508.415.2343
Email: connor.gaudet@gmail.com
Good blog.
thanks from a fellow beer drinker
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