Young Catholic school children were taught by the nuns and priests and their parents that God was all-seeing. His Divine Eyes was more penetrating that Superman's X-Ray vision. Our every thought and deed were an open book to The Almighty, but as the population of the world increased by billions, I as a non-believer detected blind spots. Neither The Father, The Son, or The Holy Ghost flashed on my juvenile or adult self-abuse. They had no interest in watching the zillionth repeat of another man flogging the dolphin. I reveled in this freedom for years upon realizing that the Gods were bored with man's sins
Massacres were nothing new.
Adultery older than prostitution.
Idolatry in the modern era was embarrassing.
The gods had averted their eyes from the sheer volume of venial sins and shuddered at witnessing the avalanche of wrath, greed, sloth, pride, lust, envy, and gluttony, however the slack was tightened by the street and building CCTVs. Their cameras are everywhere and my friend Amin was caught by Google Earth smoking a cigarette in front of a jewelry store in Juneau, Alaska.
Busted by the all-seeing eye of the Internet.
You never know who is watching.
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