Bill Mahr of HBO considers most of the media lazy and this week CNN, ABC, the NY Times, the Daily News, and hundreds of other news sources proved the comedian right by reporting that the DEA and FBI had discovered that cocaine entering the United States was cut with a common deworming medication. The Drug Enforcement Administration conjectured that the drug traffickers were adding Levamisole to cocaine to bulk up the drug and enhance its high. Unlike previous inert cuts this drug has the nasty side effect of eating flesh and hospitals from Texas to Canada was treated users for this condition. Supposedly in 2009 73 percent of cocaine seized by the DEA tested positive for .
For decades traffickers transport pure cocaine for economy. Dealers in the States like their gear pure, so they can cut the drug locally with milk sugar, vitamin C, or baby powder. They tested the cocaine with Clorox. If it dissolved 100% then the shipment was considered pure. Levamisole passed this test and the drug assisted the brain in getting high, preventing the onset of adonia or lack of pleasure associated with continued cocaine use. A boon for the Columbian Cartels, however hospitals have yet to see a rise in deaths from levamisole use.
In fact there have been none.
Unlike pharmaceutical drugs which are ravaging the heartland of America.
20-30,000 dead each year.
And these drugs are made in the USA by Big Pharm.
They are the true killers along with Big Tobacco.
3-400,000 smokers per annum, but CNN and ABC report nothing about that.
It isn't in their best interest.
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