The Israeli Air Force launched a pre-emptive strike against the airfields of Jordan, Syria, Iraq, and Egypt on June 6, 1967. This Pearl Harbor attack caught the Arab MIG fighters and Russian bombers on the ground. Having won air superiority the Zionist Army destroyed the massed tank forces of the UAR and within 6 days a ceasefire was declared by the warring factions.
The West Bank, Gaza, the Sinai, the Golan Heights, and East Jerusalem were occupied by the victors. Hundreds of thousands of Palestinians fled their homes to escape the burned earth tactics of their new overlords. June 6 is a day of infamy for the native of these seized lands and the exiles call this day 'an-Naksah' or 'The Debacle'.
The Israelis have defeated every effort by the Palestinians to attain nationhood. Hijackings foiled by Mossad. Bombing campaigns condemned by the world. The PLO crushed into exile by the Lebanese incursion. The infatidah minimalized by western press. Gaza turned into a ghetto and the West Bank chopped to pieces by Jewish settlements.
Any protests against the Zionists are met with accusations of anti-Semiticism, even though the Arabs are also sons and daughters of Shem.
Not that I believed in the Bible; Old or New.
But I do believe in justice and yesterday Palestinian protesters attempted to awake the world by assailing the security fences in the Golan Heights. The Israeli command responded by warning the hundreds of unarmed men and boys to turn back from the border. Tear gas was fired from the patrol road. The protesters persisted in their plan to fly flags to mark the Day of Infamy.
Someone in the Israeli High Command gave the order to clear the fields with live fire. The dead and wounded bled on the embattled earth. People in America were more concerned with a congressman's sexting to a young girl.
Drudgereport.com filed the following reports; Israel sees Syrian hand in Golan clashes, 23 dead...
REPORT: Protesters paid $1,000 to riot along border.
The BBC soft-pedaled the confrontation by saying 'tear gas has been used to clear protesters'.
The US State Department said that 'it was troubled by the loss of life'.
No signs of condemnation.
Free Palestine.
To view the incident please go to this URL
Israel has bought ads against Palestine on Youtube.
Youtube has trivialized the shootings by headlining the banner with 'dog surfing in California'.
Fuck the rich.
I lived in Israel and Palestine for years and could not agree with you more. What has been allowed to go in Israel in tne name of friendship, diplomacy and geopolitics is a travesty and tsuris. It won't end well for anyone. Thanks for shining a small light on this enormous problem
The other day a young man comes into the diamond exchange looking to sell a ring. He had broken up with his girlfriend. After agreeing to a price, I asked for his ID to enter into the police report. The NYPD frown on dealers fencing goods.
The young man shows his ID. His name is Arab. I ask if he is from Iraq.
"No, Jerusalem."
"Free Palestine." I raised a clenched fist as a sign of support.
"No." He shook his head and counted out the money. "Free the world."
And he was more than 100% right.
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