Friday, June 7, 2024

Star Ferry - Hong Kong

A poem I wrote last evening on the subway home. Funny the things we remember

From Hong Kong to Bangkok to see my family. Had a great trip.

Crossing the Perfumed Harbor
By the Star Ferry
I looked to the north.
Hills rose to the north.
Tall hills.
Golden in the dawn light.
The June air hot humid.
Eyes closed
I erased the condos.
All the cars.
The modernity
Then a mirage of Hong Kong.
Long ago.

Two hundred years ago
The island
Fishing villages
To the north.
The glory of China
The Celestial Kinggom.
To the west.
I open my eyes
I see
Only one second
Of that eternity.
Back to 2017 The Perfumed Harbor The Star Ferry Hong Kong.

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