Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Phillie Taser Tag

The baseball movie FEVER PITCH reaches its climax with the heroine Drew Barrymore running across the field at Fenway Park to tell her Red Sox-obessed boyfriend that he should sell his season tickets. If she had attempted the same stunt in Phillie Stadium, her character might have suffered a worst fate than being hauled off to jail, for last night a policeman ended the onfield chase of a 17 year-old boy by tasering the teenager. He flopped to the grass like a squid out of water and the crowd booed the cops.

Phillie PD spokesman said that they stood behind the actions of the overweight officer.

"We're there to preserve order."

So much for fun in the City of Brotherly Love.

To catch the Youtube video of the incident go to the following URL


Or in the words of the infamous Mayor Daley

“Gentlemen, get the thing straight once and for all—the policeman isn’t there to create disorder, the policeman is there to preserve disorder.”

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