Friday, October 1, 2010

The Mongol Plan

In 1221 the Mongols conquered the Afghani city of Herat. The 12,000 defenders were killed by the nomadic invaders and Ghenghis Khan's son ruled over the city, until the inhabitants revolted to massacre the Mongol garrison. In revenge The Great Khan slaughtered the entire city.

Only 40 people were spared from the carnage.

Pyramids of skulls lined the roads from the city.

Peace ruled the desolation.

The Hazara are the descendants of the Mongols. The 2001 invasion saved them from the persecution of the Taliban. The Hazara stand firm against the Sunni extremists. The tribe is allied with the Tajik and Uzbek, mythically linked to the ghosts of Alexander the Great or Sekundar. Few people in America understand the convoluted kaleidoscope of good and the bad.

NUKE EM ALL is their mantra

And the bloodthirsty revenge motif has unfortunately reaped a rash of murder investigations against US troops. Photos of finger and scalp trophies have appeared on the Internet. The Pentagon has stated that these atrocities were isolated incidents, but like the Mongols, British, and Russians, soldiers have acted with barbarism to combat the enemy.

war fingers afghanistan

A google search of these words revealed nothing.

Military censorship for the land of the freaked.

Truthfully I really don't have to see them to know that they are there.

Or that we should get our troops out of there and Iraq.


The only other choice at pyramids of skulls.

Ala the Mongols.

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