The Constitution's 1st Amendment guaranteed Americans the Freedom of Speech. Cellphones have liberated the country and people speak their minds in their cars, bathrooms, restaurants, bars, work, trains, parks, beaches ad infinitum. Most of what they say is nonsense and these inane conversation are stored by the NSA in a secret building nicknamed The Tower of Blather.
We are free to speak our minds as long as our statements are in line with the general consensus of non-thinking. Liberals, moderates, and conservatives follow the party lines without breaking step. No one is capable of an original thought or choice and that calcification of opinion has imprisoned each political group into a schism of eating habits according to a new study.
The GOP love Fast Food.
Liberals adore real French Fries.
The religious right say prayers at McDonald's, while atheists seek out organic fare.
Diet soda versus fruit.
Milk at home versus wine.
Food that easy to pronounce versus foreign cuisine.
Neither are thin, since they eat ice cream.
Fat fat fat.
It's the last freedom left for Americans.
The freedom to feast.
And never fast.
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