The July night sky is clear over New York City. The evening temperature is 78 Fahrenheit. A weatherman called conditions 'pleasant'. Tomorrow the sun will warm the day to 87F. Sunday the same and Monday 89F. Hot, but not brutal like Kansas, Oklahoma, and Texas. Those three states are in the grips of an oppressing heat wave. Meteorologists are predicting the thermometer to hit the high 100s in Okie City tomorrow and there is no relief in sight.
The Buckle of the Bible Belt has deep pockets when it comes to faith the the Oklahoma Governor beseeched the religious of the state to get on their knees and pray for rain.
"The power of prayer is a wonderful thing."
Her request echoed that the Texas Governor.
Their God responds with a deepening drought. Some of their constituents are fast to blame the weather on New York's passing the gay marriage law. Tea Party governor Scott Walker was caught in a biblical hailstorm in Denver on his way to a National Governors Association meeting in Salt Lake City. He had to sleep on the floor as flights were canceled by the Plague of Hail. None of the three issued a statement about any connection between the catastrophic heat and homosexual union.
James Inhofe, the Senator from Oklahoma and Global Warming nay-sayer, was stricken sick after a swim in the blue-green algae of Grand Lake of Oklahoma which has seen a
“That night, Monday night, I was just deathly sick.”
While calling Global Warming a hoax, the GOP senator has also expressed concern about the economic effects of regulation on agricultural run-off into his lake. His grand-daughter resisted his entreaties to join him in the water. “She didn’t want to get in that green stuff.”
Prayers for rain could lead to a hurricane hitting the Texas coast.
A small price to pay for salvation from the demonic heat.
Today is the 29th consecutive day over 90.
That is a record.
Let's hope that the prayers lead the faithful's God to replicate to Moses' 2nd Plague.
The rain of frogs.
If it's not one thing, then it's another.
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