Saturday, October 13, 2012

Wernersville Home For Wayward Boys

The Boston photographer Bobby Busnach posted this entry on FB Wow this was a small part of wernersville state hospital, which was on a large grounds with maybe 9 old huge buildings with tunnels underneath that connected the buildings. the three shots of a building with a 9 sign on them was the young adult unit, where i was put and spent a year for running away and getting high and fighting with teachers in 1968 and 69 when i was 12 to 13. i was put on 900 milligrams of thorazene a day to control me cause i would start riots with the inmates :} it took me a year to learn to play the game well enough to be released. my brother ended up there a couple months later when i ran away for a year and lived with a bunch of hippies. he met his wife there at the hospital. That was another side of the 60s. Bobby broke free to become the chronicler of the Gay Revolution in Boston and New York. This photos of that era bring me back home to another time.

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