Sunday, May 28, 2023

May 16, 1990 Langtang Glacier - Nepal - Journal Entry

May 16, 1990 Langtang Glacier - Nepal - Journal Entry

We have reached Langtang Village.

3500 meters.

This is the highest I've been in this life.

The porters and cook are busy smoking cigarettes and drinking hot tea heavily dosed with yak butter for strength and sustainence. Breakfast on the treail had been mostly oat porridge, eggs, chapati, pancakes with jam, or peanut butter for breakfast, while dinners have consisted of Hindu Dal Bhat, curry, pasta, spaghetti, soups, fried rice, and momos with the Sherpa favorite fried dried yak meat and yak cheese.

Todd broke open a bottle of Johnny Walker Red.

"This is high, but I'm climbed to the op of Kilimanjaro. 19,000 feet. I stayed an hour and came back down. Worst thing about being at that height was below zero shitting."

The nights along this trek have been cool, but the temperature has never been below freezing adn during the day we are blasted by the sun. I never sweat, as the sun ewvaporates off any moisture from my body. I am constantly thirsty.

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