Monday, July 29, 2024

Off With Their Heads - Marie Antoinette - Olympic Opening Spectacular

One more from the opening ceremony of the Olympics 2024 in France

From Robert Carrithers. The author and translator Bérengère Viennot had the final word. “This ceremony married classical and popular culture, atrocious taste and High History, wokeism and unchecked humour, technical prowess and the genius of Piaf – and has succeeded in provoking a terrific argument,” she said. “It’s a perfect allegory of the French spirit.”

Singing queen … Marie Antoinette performs from a window in the Conciergerie. Photograph: BBC

Posted by Robert Carrithers from Prague.

One comment - It was a scandal.

Ma riposte -the transgender travesty of the last supper was sublimely divine

M-A with the metal band Gojira singing Ça ira, the theme song of the Revolution. Loved it. And the romp through the old Bibliothèque Nationale! So many quirky, funny, and drop-dead gorgeous moments. You don’t have to love it all, there was something for everyone.

But the best part is that the ultra-right almost choked on their rage. It was an in-your-face of un-rivaled proportions.

nothing, absolutely nothing of this satanic circus reflects the French people, thank you for keeping that in mind.

Just a rumination of mine: I always felt that the 2 countries that murdered their own Royal Family, France and Russia, in a sense, cursed themselves. I felt that by killing their own Royal families the vibration of the country itself, their inherit nobility was lessened. I'm sure I'm going to get a lot of pushback on this but it is what I feel. The soul of the country lost a little bit of it's shine.

Ma riposte - there is only one way to rid the people of the ruling class. A la guillotine.

Once more bravo la France.

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