Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Horseshoe Crabs And Us 2050

I have visions
Not dreams
But visions
Of the Future
Sitting on the B38 bus
Traveling down Myrtle Avenue__
No cars
More trees
More flowers
Vegetable gardens too.
Everyone walking
Riding bikes
Less people than 2024
A lot less
The rich escaped to the Moon
To Mars
We hear nothing from them
Good riddance___
After 2024
The tipping point
Things went bad
Very bad
And fast
Wars, fires, famines, floods
No place to run
No place to hide
Many prayed
Many more screamed
Bad to Worst
Wrath of God worst
Worst for the good
Worst for the bad
Thoughts and prayers
No help___
Then one day___
Worst went to bad
And then not to good
But not bad___
Not everyone survived
Not everything survived,
But the horseshoe crabs
They multiplied by the billions
And the fed the world
As horseshoe crabs had other speices
Through other extinctions___
Now 2050
98 years old
With my wives
My children
My grandchildren
My great grandchildren
And friends____
A miracle But like horseshoe crabs
My blood don't die easy____
Deconsune, children, deconsume.

Foto by Doug Wechsler

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