Only nine more days until GW Fucking Bush leaves the White House. A goodly percentage of Americans are holding their breath, hoping that the 43rd President of the USA doesn't succeed in staging a coup d'etat to remain in office. Many of his fellow citizens consider GW to be the worst president in history, however certain right-wing political flaks are already extolling the last 8 years as the golden dusk of conservative leadership. Fred Barnes of Fox News even came out with an article 10 THINGS GW BUSH DID RIGHT.
Here's his list why;
Rejection of Kyoto global warming treaty, so we were able to make, sell, and drive SUVs, thereby saving the American economy, so it could fall apart under the sub-prime mortgage scam driven by fat people's need to have a house to shelter their SUVs.
The introduction of torture to protect America from another 9/11 attack. Actually the USA has been torturing people for decades from Viet-Nam, Laos, Cambodia to the Philippines to Chile, Argentina, Central America, and even the USA under the Jim Crow Laws. Even Bill Clinton was into torture, but what else would you expect from a nation whose existence is based on the extermination of one race and the enslavement of another? Coddling?
The re-establishment of an imperial presidency so the executive office can ignore the Constitution as it was written by the Founding Fathers mostly in order to torture anyone you like and eavesdrop on US citizens. The first appealing to sadists such as Dick Cheney and the latter to bored functionaires without real lives.
His backing of Israel so they could spread their Zionist reign over Palestine and hopefully caused the war to end all wars so Jesus Christ comes back for the 3rd time. Wasn't his coming back from the dead the real 2nd Coming or i am just bad counting on my fingers?
No Child Left Behind (NCLB) fucked the education system by setting up ever-increasing frontiers of achievement for under-funded schools with the plain desire that the only things worth teaching should come from the Bible.
The promotion of democracy as presented in his 2nd inauguration address supposed that we live in a democracy dedicated to proposition that all men are created equal. Equal like gays and women and blacks are equal to fat old white men. Go white men go.
The Medicare prescription drug benefit of 2003, which solidified the drug companies' monopoly on the USA. Where'
s the free trade? Or are we so scared of drugs from Canada. Personally I treat myself with illegals such as cocaine and marijuana. And don't pay taxes on them either.
Conservative court appointments of John Roberts and Sam Alito insured that we will be living with the legacy of GW Bush long after he has served 20 years for illegal torture and subversion of the Constitution.
His diplomatic triumphs as crowed by Fred Barnes count the strengthening of East Asia to combat our natural foe; fanatical Islamic fascist terrorists and helping India become a frontline state in the War on Terrorism. Green light for nuking Pakistan whenever you want.
Lastly Barnes says that by sending long-overdue troops to Iraq in 2007 he saved our efforts there, when in actuality the peacifying of that country came about by assassination squads aimed at suspected terrorists so al-Quada moved in droves to Afghanistan, where our troops are at a disadvantage.
Bravo GW Fucking Bush.
A good well done.
Can't wait to see you go.
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