I left Thailand in May 2008. My wife and daughter remained behind along with my pregnant girlfriend, who gave birth to my son Fenway in August. I speak with both families every day and have supported them equally. My sister thinks I should get a vasectomy to avoid any future impregnation, since my finances are treacherously threatened by a firm belief in not working for a legitimate
"It's against my religion." I protested at the Christmas dinner.
"You have no religion." She had switched her faith to Unitarian after the Boston diocese was stricken by the child abuse scandal.
"I believe in life." Actually I'm closer to Buddhism than any other religion, since I can't recall a single war waged in the name of the Buddha. "Plus I have another reason against such an operation. Say every man in the world dies and I'm the only one left. What will happen to humanity if I had a vasectomy?"
"You're joking?" My sister is a lawyer. They have little tolerance for sarcasm.
"No, I'm serious." Dead serious and never more so upon seeing a photo in the NY Times today showing a Gaza father grieving for his three small infants killed by an Israeli tank shell. I started crying on the subway and a woman asked why. I showed her the picture and she joined me. Kids are the only treasure we leave this world and they are dying in Gaza without anyone speaking for them.
Israel has banned any reporters from the Gaza Strip.
The truth comes from their mouths alone, but that's no truth at all.
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