My boss on 47th Street is more than twenty years my senior. He comes from Brownsville. Mike Tyson lived there for 6 years. It was a tough neighborhood and even tougher in Manny's youth.
"We had to fight everyone."
Manny is 100% old school and one day he caught me writing a letter.
"What are you doing?" He hated his employees using his time for personal matters.
"Writing Mrs. Carolina a goodbye-letter." She had been my mistress for five years. We had traveled to Peru and Guatemala, skied the Rockies, and she had always treated me right. I just couldn't love her.
"Never put anything in writing." Manny tore up the letter. "Especially to a woman."
I've followed that advice, but also have honed it by refusing to lie. The truth is always easier to remember and I bet Nancy Pelosi wishes that she had kept her mouth shut about the CIA lying to her about 'waterboarding and torture'. Leon Panetta, the present CIA director defended the agency by saying that last week that “contemporaneous records from September 2002 indicate that CIA officers briefed truthfully on the interrogation of Abu Zubaydah, describing ‘the enhanced techniques that had been employed.’”
The GOP attack dogs have been yapping at her exposed 'ass' on the TV with the Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele saying on NBC’s MEET THE PRESS.
“She has put the Democratic Party in a position where the question for me is does the president support Nancy Pelosi’s version of what happened or the CIA director’s version of what happened. You have the speaker of the House saying that she wasn’t told, that she doesn’t have a clue, and the evidence contradicts that.”
House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio) was even harsher in his judgment.
“Lying to the Congress of the United States is a crime, and if the speaker is accusing the CIA and other intelligence officials of lying or misleading the Congress, then they should come forward with evidence. I think she ought to apologize to our intelligence professionals around the world. Instead of criticizing them, instead of accusing them of lying, we ought to be patting them on the back and telling them, ‘Job well done.’”
The CIA is renown for the obfuscation of the truth and manipulation of facts, especially in the build-up to the 2nd Iraq War, which Rep. Pelosi opposed as well as the 1st Gulf War. This debate sounds like another GOP attempt to switch the issue from CIA torture which might lead to charges against the previous White House for the violation of human rights in order to weaken her attempts to get to the truth about the torture policies of the Bush regime.
Maybe the CIA had lied to her, but Rep. Pelosi is then guilty of accepting a lie as the truth.
The USA has torture people. It does right now and the CIA will do so in the future.
It's what they do, just like Jack Bauer in the Fox TV Show '24'.
Torture seems to work on TV and the American people only believe what they see on TV.
But they don't listen otherwise they would have heard ex-Vice President Dick Cheney snitch out his boss by declaring that approval for waterboarding went past his office to the president. Enhanced interrogations played well to GW Bush. It made him feel like a man and waterboarding was soft in comparison to the other methods used on prisoners.
Nothing was out of bounds and for ignoring that obvious truth, Nancy Pelosi along with the rest of the USA is guilty.
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