I used to go to the movies all the time. Movies were an event. I saw THE HARDER THEY COME at the Orson Welles Theater in Cambridge. TOWERING INFERNO on Times Square and APOCALYPSE NOW at the Ziegfield Theater. First day. First Screening. These moments were magic, however the movie-going experience has become tawdry with the advent of multi-plexs. Corporate films and cardboard popcorn. I can't even remember the last time I saw a Hollywood film at a theater. No BATMAN No STAR WAR. Now I rememeber. GLADIATOR. I had to see that in a theater. Most of the time now I watch films with DVDs or on my computer. A small screen. Smaller than those in an airplane, but 9/11 erased any love I had for special effects, however I will have to go again, because the new STAR TREK came out and there's no way I'm seeing that on my computer.
I tried but the intellectual property police wiped it off my favorite online site.
I'll bring my own popcorn or wasabi soy beans.
They make my eyes water, so that when I cry in the film I can tell my friend it's the wasabi.
To go where no man has gone before.
My friend Eddie Mickie weighed 400 pounds. I wrote about him in WHEN EVEN FAT MEN FLY. He was a big proponent of travel to the planets.
"When the shit gets a foot high, we have to step a foot higher."
Same as James T Kirk.
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