Barack Obama's administration has angered opponents of torture with the refusal to release compromising photos of the military abusing prisoners. The Pentagon campaigned the White House on the grounds that these photos could endanger US Troops. They obviously involve more than waterboarding, despite the Bush regime's longstanding claim that they never exceeded the bounds of decency. This lie was accepted by the American public, because any violations of human rights were 'isolated incidents'. Any one with a brain would have surmised from the Abu Ghaib prison photos that the system of torture was widespread throughout Iraq and Afghanistan.
Photos of Abu Gahib
For a refresher of your memory, do these pix look like fun and games.
Obama has to listen to the Pentagon, because they are threatening a coup d'etat if they are pushed too hard.
They want it their way, so the president will have to play along for now, but there will come a time of reckoning and on that day Dick Cheney will be going to prison.
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