My friends have quite aware of my two-wives dilemma in Thailand. They sense the strain of having to magically be two places at once. Their faith in my powers of bi-location are strained by the logistics of distance and solutions have been forthcoming from all parties concerned. The most ruthless suggest that I abandon one family. This is not a possibility. There are children involved in the equation. Others have proposed that I tell my wives the truth, except I don't know actually what truth I want to tell them. A majority have said the best answer would be to have both women live with each other to save time and trouble and money.
None of these options offer a safe out, so I'll continue to play the coward's game and be two places at once by being three. Neither in Chainat with wife #1 or NaJomtien with my mia noi.
I'm ready for a quiet night's sleep in Bangkok.
Away from both.
Telling each I'm with the other when I'm actually with neither of them.
I'll be with the old Roue of Soi Nana instead and he never cares where I lay my head.
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