Ted Nugent had a big hit with CATSCRATCH FEVER IN 1979. No songs have hit the charts about the recent outbreak of Swine Flu, but the neo-pandemic has spread across the globe with alarming speed and TV sensationalism is having a hard time keeping pace with government response.
Schools have been closed after students are infect. With good reason for the young are at risk. My daughter's school in Thailand was shut after two students were suspected sick. She couldn't have been happier. Angie hates school.
The Thai government has called for the closure of Internet cafes as possible breeding grounds for the flu and have set up two answer centers to quell any outbreak of panic. Neither system is online yet, but the ministers have announced that they will be soon without informing the populace what actually are the symptoms of Swine Flu
I had a bad bronchial infection in May. It wasn't Swine Flu.
Swine Flu is like influenza; fever, coughing, headaches, pain in the muscles or joints, sore throat, chills, fatigue and runny nose. Diarrhea and vomiting have also been reported in some cases. Accroding the NEw Enlgand Journal of Medicine the people most at risk are those 65 years and older, children younger than 5 years old, pregnant women, and people of any age with underlying medical conditions, such as asthma, diabetes, obesity, heart disease, or a weakened immune system.
Treatment in most cases is fluids, rest, and more rest.
Any signs of complications should necessitate a visit to the hospital to be of the safe side, but is this the plague. Not so far. Thailand has reported 4,057 cases of swine flu with 13 fatalities.
The Ukraine one case. Let us all flee to Kiev. It's a nice city and the beer is cheap.

Ted Nugent had a big hit with CATSCRATCH FEVER IN 1979. No songs have hit the charts about the recent outbreak of Swine Flu, but the neo-pandemic has spread across the globe with alarming speed and TV sensationalism is having a hard time keeping pace with government response.
Schools have been closed after students are infect. With good reason for the young are at risk. My daughter's school in Thailand was shut after two students were suspected sick. She couldn't have been happier. Angie hates school.
The Thai government has called for the closure of Internet cafes as possible breeding grounds for the flu and have set up two answer centers to quell any outbreak of panic. Neither system is online yet, but the ministers have announced that they will be soon without informing the populace what actually are the symptoms of Swine Flu
I had a bad bronchial infection in May. It wasn't Swine Flu.
Swine Flu is like influenza; fever, coughing, headaches, pain in the muscles or joints, sore throat, chills, fatigue and runny nose. Diarrhea and vomiting have also been reported in some cases. Accroding the NEw Enlgand Journal of Medicine the people most at risk are those 65 years and older, children younger than 5 years old, pregnant women, and people of any age with underlying medical conditions, such as asthma, diabetes, obesity, heart disease, or a weakened immune system.
Treatment in most cases is fluids, rest, and more rest.
Any signs of complications should necessitate a visit to the hospital to be of the safe side, but is this the plague. Not so far. Thailand has reported 4,057 cases of swine flu with 13 fatalities.
The Ukraine one case. Let us all flee to Kiev. It's a nice city and the beer is cheap.
For more info on Swine Flu go to this site
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