Sunday, April 18, 2010

Miss Khmer Rouge

The Khmer Rouge believed that wipe the slate clean was the only way to reincarnate the pureness of Cambodian society. The regime exiled the people from the old colonial cities to re-education camps in the rice fields and jungles. The cadre shut schools, hospitals and factories. Money was banished from daily life. Religion was cast into the sewer and private property was deemed evil. No alcohol, gambling, or games.

Sound familiar.

The Taliban followed the same path in Afghanistan.

The Khmer Rouge were only slightly more progressive with women than their Islamic counterparts. Women were allowed only one black outfit. Hair was cut short. Make-up and jewelry were signs of foreign influence. Death was the punishment for any infraction.

And America can expect the same should the Baptist have their way.

Hell, yes. Heaven no.

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