Monday, April 21, 2008

Eat Less says Samak

While governor of Minnesota Jessie Ventura suggested to those constituents suffering from obesity that they should push themselves away from the table to lose weight and now Thai PM Samak has told the nation that they should do the same to cope with the rising food prices, since the increases are simply part of the supply and demand curve.

"If you sacrifice and pay more for rice - a bit more, not much more - it will benefit farmers."

Thais have already responded to the hikes by buying only what they need, hoping for prices to fall once Viet-Nam and India re-opened their harvests for export, and no one is cooking more than they need as they realize that there's only so much rice to be grown year after year. Few Thais believe that the country's 3,600,000 farmers are benefiting from the rice crisis, especially after the mysterious disappearance of 200,000 tonnes of rice from government rice stocks. only one group of people always profit from the misery of the poor and that's not the poor as far as I can tell, but then again I'm not rich.

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