Thursday, April 10, 2008

Thai Cops a la Mode

Thai people regard a person's dress as a sign of respect or disrespect. Backpackers earn their ire for sloppy attire and beer louts also score low with their wifebeater tee-shirts, however this sartorial appreciation extends to fellow Thais and now 10th Sub-Division commissioned officers will be required to smarten up their police uniforms with a tie or bowtie. I know this will make a difference in the amount of money the boys in brown get from those criminals choosing to break the helmet laws.

"Yet maih, tam-luat sai tie." or "Motherfucker, the cops wearing a Tie."

And you know that means he's serious, since the only people wearing ties in Thailand are politicians, tycoons, bankers, and bible missionaries all of whom are very serious.

Brown shirt. Brown pants. Brown tie.

Obviously someone's uncle has cornered the market on brown ties for this new addendum to the police dress code.

"No polka-dot ties for Thai police either."

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