Friday, August 15, 2008

2008 Adlympics.

The house on Palm Beach doesn't have TV. So sticking to my self-imposed Olympic ban has been easy. My friend Lisa gives me the run-down. She had been on the 1980 Women's Field Hockey team.

"Fuck that peanut farmer."

She's a liberal but still holds a grudge against Jimmy Carter for banning the USA from attending the Moscow Games in retaliation from invading Afghanistan.

"You take over Kabul. We won't let you see our filed hockey team."

Anyway Lisa has been keeping track of the ads to programming ratio for prime time and the number runs about 26 minutes for ads and 34 for programming including those touching personal insight stories NBC loves to dump on the viewers rather than show real sports and the American public has finally woken from their stupor to say to themselves.

"Darn, there's no sports on NBC." Accordingly the view share dropped below the 2004 Athens games, since Americans are interested in ads for cars no one wants to buy such as SUVs or fast food also out of people's reach since they can't afford the gas to drive there.

Beijing banned by boredom, although the programming in Thailand provided by NBC is first-class, especially without any commercials from McDonalds.

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