Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Thou art thy brother's brother

Barack Obama has been getting beat up by the Old Dude John McCain and the young senator's campaign has been slow to go street with the GOP candidate. These squares don't know how to fight, but Vanity fair found someone in the slums of Nairobi who can take Barack's back.

George Obama.

The 26 year-old half-brother is living on no money in a 2m by 3m shack.

"No-one knows who I am. If anyone says something about my surname, I say we are not related. I am ashamed." The younger brother has only met Obama twice. The last time in 2006. "It was very brief, we spoke for just a few minutes. It was like meeting a complete stranger. Huruma is a tough place, last January during the elections there was rioting and six people were hacked to death. The police don't even arrest you they just shoot you. I have seen two of my friends killed. I have scars from defending myself with my fists. I am good with my fists."

Obama think about this.

When the going gets tough, the weak go to their family.

For a related article click on this article

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