Presidents run in high circles. World leaders, government officials, senators, financiers. I don't expect the C-in-C to call my cell phone or email me. It'd be nice but it's not going to happen. Most Americans will never meet their President. The layers of security are supposedly impenetrable. The Secret Service's job is to prevent any unauthorized encounters, but the screen around Barack Obama failed at a state dinner last week. Two party-crashers gained access to the White House and once inside poised with the President and several VIP. The woman intruder got close enough to Joe Biden to play with his nipple.
This breech of security would have never occurred under GW Bush.
The White House was under a lock-down. Staff understood the nation was at war. The President was safe.
Bill Clinton never had his safety compromised during his two terms.
George Bush Senior was not so lucky in 1990.
# 43 was visiting New York for a find-raising dinner at a 6th Avenue hotel. Police had blocked off the area from protesters. My friend Phillip Brooks was waiting at the bar. I explained my rendezvous to the police commander at the barrier and he allowed me to pass through to the hotel. Security within the hotel was tight. Phillip was at the bar. We watched the action for several drinks and then decided to go over to Times Square.
It was still sinful.
The front was packed with guests so I suggested we exit through the parking garage. The first line of police ignored us. We were in suits. The second phalanx was more alert, but we stepped through the revolving doors just as the presidential limousine pulled up to the curb. Secret Service surveyed the entrance. George Bush emerged from the back. He was in a tux. I had never been this close to a presidential and called out softly.
"Mr. President."
Everyone's head turned my way.
"My sister-in-law says hello." She worked for the CIA.
"Oh, really." He knew her name. She had been his secretary while he served as director. George Bush came over and shook our hands and then proceeded into the hotel. A Secret Service man asked who we we were.
"Just private citizens that's all."
He had a soft warm hand.
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