Bill Clinton was President of the United States for eight years. A good part of his second term was devoted to defending his honor. The GOP were incensed that
'Slick Willie' had demeaned the Oval Office by having oral sex performed on him by Monica Lewinsky. They acted as if he had bumholed Jesus on the Great Lawn during Easter instead of getting head from a fat girl. None of them said a single word about GW Bush huffing blow in White House. Day in. Day out.
Sex is bad.
And now Tiger Woods has 'destroyed' his reputation thanks to an unbridled sex appetite. Compromising photos of the world's # 1 golfer are floating around the internet connecting him with cocktail waitresses and porn stars. His libertine lifestyle is threatening his billion-dollar a year endorsement income as well as his marriage.
Indiscretion at his level costs money.
Both before and after sex.
But the worst are the media reporters her harping about Tiger Woods' failing his public. He's the best golfer in the world. If he can't have sex with anyone he wants then who can and the same has to be asked about Bill Clinton. Tiger woods has announced a sabbatical from golf. The PGA can expect a 50% loss in revenue. The white guys in power have to think a little harder about what they want from their stars.
Especially if they're half-Thai.
Being a Thai man is never having to be à-sàt or faithful and the same is true for westerners.
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