China unveiled its newest technological achievement; a maglev train connecting Wuhan to the southern city of Guangzhou. The cost of the project was a staggering $14.6 billion or about one month of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. The Communist nation is planning another 10,000 miles of these high speed lines to be completed within 10 years.
Top speed 245 miles-an-hour.
Conversely Amtrak trains this holiday season were canceled between Washington and Boston due to malfunctioning electrical substations, which were supposed to be repair with the $60 million slated by Congress.
$60 million versus $14.6 billion.
USA trains - 90 MPH if they're on straight line.
China over 245 mph.
Some say up to 350.
I recall seeing the TGV from the Autoroute du Sud. A metal snake crossing the landscape at a ridiculous speed. I've taken the TGV many times. Comfortable and fast. The Fung Wah Bus between New York and Boston is fast than the Acela. It's all a question of priorities. Fast trains or bombs. Health care or bombs. Star Trek spaceships or bombs.
Go fastest train go.
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