Blood always leads the front page and this tradition has been honored by TV journalist and those of the internet. There is usually a limit. Tragedies are broadcast at a distance to save the victims and their families sorrow, however Bolivia TV stepped way over the line of decency by showing a videotape of four men violating a 13 year-old girl.
The La Paz film crew shot the incident without interfering in the crime. No call to the police. No stop what you're doing. Simply light, camera, action. The channel Red Uno has harvest a storm of protests and its only defense has been Freedom of the Press.
No other television station has aired the footage, but it's only a matter of time, until it hits Fox News. Only one thing as good as blood and that's sex. Then again Hollywood loves violence against women.
No rape. Only violence ala Halloween 12, the perfect first date movie.
One more thing there was no mention of arrests from the Bolivian police.
Either of the rapists or the film crew.
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