Saturday, February 28, 2009

Free The Weed

French chanteur Serge Gainsbourg appeared in the 1969 film CANNABIS with his English muse, Jane Birkin. In 1973 America responded to this Gallic challenge by adopting the Rockefeller drug laws, which set the penalty for possession of more than 2 ounces of heroin, morphine, opium, cocaine, or cannabis on the same level as 2nd degree murder; 15-25 years. This punishment was aimed at interdicting the drug plague sweeping the USA by imprisoning anyone who couldn't afford a good lawyer, so that the prisons are cramped with drug offenders. Up to 20% of convicts have been sentenced for drug offense. More than 400,000 people with hundreds of thousands more being funneled through the justice system.

The war of drugs has failed same as the war of terrorism, because both wars were fought not to be won, but to continue ad infinitum in order to finance an anti-crime political base for the GOP.

From 2001 to 2008 the Bush regime instructed federal officers to raid California marijuana distributors, despite the State passing a law to legalize the uses of medical marijuana. The new attorney general has reversed that policy also supported by President Clinton. Now the question of legality of marijuana has been shifted to the states to decide whether to broaden the decriminalization of the weed.

Much thanks to the late Serge Gainsbourg for his efforts in this struggle.

Here's a link to his music from the film CANNABIS

several years later with Nelson Rockefeller signing

When is Vincent Cassel going to do the Serge Gainsbourg story.

They shared the same nose or pif.

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