“China is a big country, inhabited by many Chinese.” Charles de Gaulle.
That statement was true in the 1950s. The population was a mere 500 million. The Frnech general's words are over twice as true now for the Chinese crowd 1.3 billion within the confines of the old Celestial Kingdom. The 'One-Child' policy prevented that number from reaching 2 billion, however this radical policy has resulted in extremely large disparity in the male/female of the young. Over 32 million males are doomed to spend their lives without a mate and their ranks are certain to grow. The government has no answer to this dilemma and frustrated men have resorted to desperate measures to acquire wives.
Many bribe prospective brides with offers of money.
$5000-10,000 US for a cai li or bride price.
Cash in advance.
This signing bonus has created a subclass of runaway brides preying on the lonely. These women hustle scores of men with the promise of marriage only to abscond with the money without any forwarding address. The men find themselves in debt to friends and family, but are so lovelorn that they are willing to forgive the scammers if they come back.
They are never coming back and China will be a sad country of broken-hearted men, unless they accept the only solutions available; celibacy, homosexuality, or buying a sex doll robot from the Japanese.
I know my choices.
Two out of three.
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