Under GW Bush's watch America was safe from right wing violence. No Ruby Ridges, no Waco Texas, no abortion clinic murders, no Oklahoma State Building bombings. The ultra-conservatives were quiet for eight years. Not any more. Two shootings. One at a Holocaust Museum and another of a prominent Kansas abortionist have announced the opening of a new campaign against the wave of change sweeping the nation as predicted by Homeland Security in April. The climate of hate runs hot within conservative radio and TV with Glenn Beck and Russ Limbaugh seeding paranoia amongst their listeners with tales of the apocalypse.
Judas Priest was taken to court for inciting young teen suicide.
They were acquitted thanks to protection of free speech under the 1st Amendment, however this freedom does not extend to those preaching treason or whose words endanger the public. I never listen to the drug addict of Palm Beach, but I have watched Glenn Beck on CNN. He thinks that he's funny. Not ha-ha to me, but name me two great Mormon comedians. Glenn Beck is not a terrorist, but his audience like those of left-wing gum-bumpers believe every word he says.
None of it is news.
It is merely opinion, but that is what Americans accept as news.
"If you tell a lie often enough it will become the truth." Josef Goebbels
Paul Krugman attacked this cycle of hate in his Saturday column.
This column is Krugman's opinion.
As is Glenn Beck.
He is a little long-winded at times.
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