The GOP governor from South Carolina has spent the greater part of 2009 resolutely rejecting the stimulus package offered by the Obama administration, stating that to use such funds in order to extend unemployment benefits to his constituents would be unconstitutional. His obdurate stance was seen as an attention-getter to his proposed 2012 presidential campaign as a fiscally responsible Republican. The pressure of this battle took its toll and this last weekend Mark Sanford vanished from the Tarheel State like he had been abducted by aliens. His staff announced that he had absconded to the mountains for rest and relaxation. His tenure as governor was marred by similar disappearance, but none as glaring as this latest.
4 days MIA.
His head of staff said that the governor was on the Appalachian Trail.
"He'll be difficult to reach."
Especially difficult since he was actually in Argentina visiting his mistress.
Sanford's bid for the White House appears to be detoured by this revelation.
If only he were the Italian Prime Minster, who has been photographed au natural in a state of hyper-Viagraism and remains in power, despite alleged payments to young girls for nocturnal favors. Of course Burlesqueconi never said he was a saint.
No rest for the wicked especially when they try to be good.
Fuck the GOP.
But then like Richard Nixon said, "We need some good-looking women in the Republican party."
Maybe that was the governor's problem.
Not enough good-looking GOP girls.
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