Tuesday, June 2, 2009

The Power of Punk

Time-Warner combined with Internet powerhouse AOL in 2001. This merger was supposed to signal the advent of a new era. Few media wizards foresaw the Bush regime's rejection of new technology and the promise of this marriage between old and new communication systems resulted in a dead-loss for Time-Warner. AOL became worthless. Bank notes were due and last week Time-Warner was on the brink of GM doom. Their rescue was from an unlikely source. Green Day's new CD hit #1 upon release.

My friend Jocko Weyland isn't a big fan, however I had seen their performance at Woodstock. Thousands of fans hurling mud clods at the stage. The trio was covered in goop and they played until a chunk of sodden earth stuck Billy in the head with the force of a Mike Tyson punch. He could have gone down. Instead he shook off the coma and rocked the sons and daughters of the baby boom. Me too. They were the descendants of punk and this week proved the power of the Ramones by saving Time-Warner.

Gabba Gabba Hey Green Day.

Of course the suits at Time-Warner don't see it that way, but they are fuckheads.

N'est pas?

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