Michael Vicks was released by the Atlanta Falcons. He is free to play for another NFL team after serving his sentence for dog-fighting. The former All-Star has apologized to the public for his involvement in this secretive world of dog versus dog in hopes of regaining his vaulted position in the spotlights. The sports world is not so fast with its forgiveness.
Man is a cruel animal. Cruel to his own species. Deadly to others. We adore bloodsport. Man versus man, but some people seek more. I've seen cockfighting in the Orient. Razor-clawed roosters hacking at each other in Laos or Thailand or Indonesia. Drink money blood death. This heady concoction was captured in the dog-fighting segment of Alejandro González Iñárritu's film AMORES PERROS. This is a secret world. In Mexico or the USA. Fights are not televised by cable. They are illegal. The dogs are bred for strength and killer instincts. Blood flows freely, however most trainers care too much about their dogs to allow them to be killed by a stronger opponent.
Michael Vicks was different.
If his dogs didn't perform, Vicks and his friends killed the losers on the spot, terrifying the other owners. Some tried to stop the slaughter. Vicks' crew showed no mercy and the only way for the dog-fighters to stop this horror was to snitch out Vicks and his gang.
Forgive and forget?
Odds are against that.
It's all about honor and no money in the world can teach an old dog new tricks.
Thanks goodness he wasn't involved in shark-fighting.
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