Thursday, March 27, 2008

Obama Speaks about Race

Senator Barack Obama has been under fire from his Democratic opponent for his lack of experience. Ms. Clinton highlighted this best with a TV ad asking the voters who would you want to answer the White House phone at 3am. The Ohio electorate responded with 'not Obama', stopping his consecutive run of primary wins, however now Fox News has stepped up the attack on the Illinois senator by airing video tapes of Obama's minister ranting about the 'white devils' and 'damn America'. For a presidential candidate seeking to heal the divisions in the USA, his pastor's rhetoric was rightly deemed hateful, adding to the White America's conception that the black man has a chip on his shoulder.
Last night Obama delivered a major speech in Philadelphia on this subject with Fox News pundits expecting Obama to excoriate his minister. He disappointed them by speaking up for the man who led him to Jesus and explained how blacks do feel anger, how whites feel anger, and that this anger will not go away unless the USA moves away from the politics of hatred. It was a brave stance and something no one in American politics has tried to do in decades ie stand up and speak about something other than the diversions.
It remains to be seen whether Obama will survive this crisis, for Fox News shows no sign of letting this bone drop from its jaws. They will rehash the words of his pastor over and over again, until the two are linked into one face with the hopes of crippling the senator's drive to the White House, so that Senator John McCain can continue the decrepit rule of GOP politics for another four years into the 21st Century.
Am I still for Obama?
Does my support matter?
Not a tick.
I only want change, because when the status quo threatens the way of life for Americans, then it is time to change the status quo for the betterment of the USA and the World.

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