Sunday, June 10, 2012

Sweet Jesus

Texas State regulations state clearly that pedestrians and bicyclists are not allowed on the Interstates, however this rule has been waived for a teenage boy dragging a cross. Junior Garcia's destination is Washington DC and his mission on this 1369 mile trip is to raise money to buy holy roller cars for Assembly of God missionaries in Mexico. The young man had a revelation and recalled the day to a newspaper reporter. “July 24, 2011. I remember looking up to heaven saying, ‘I’m yours. That day, I decided to take up my cross. And I felt so strong in my heart. And I felt Him tell me where to go and how to go. And that’s where we’re going — Washington, D.C.” After twenty miles his feet are blistered and his shoulders had chapped by the cross. The Fort Worth police have warned Garcia and his supporters to stay on the shoulder. No hitchhiking allowed on the Interstates. But crosses are cool. Blow your horn if you think fucking Jesus should come down from Heaven to beam these freaks home to the Pearly Gates and leave us in peace.

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