Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Doomsday Failure in Switzerland

LONDON post November 2008 (click on image to enlarge )

December 21, 2012 is the day the Mayans have predicted for the end of the world.

Western man attempted to defy the cosmic math of the ancients by flicking on a beam of subatomic particles in Geneva's 17-mile-long circle called the Large Hadron Collider. Some doomsdayist had feared the 'Why Machine's' proton collisions might open a black hole, which would swallow the Earth, however the experiment seemingly worked to perfection as protons orbited the circuit to re-create the moment of creation only a trillionth of a second after the Big Bang.

Scientists reviewing initial data admitted that they had no idea what the data meant, although most are interested in delving into so-called 'dark matter' which theoretically makes up 25% of the known universe.

Actually yesterday's experiment was a small sampling of the collider's potential 5 trillion electron volts.

The big test will occur in November.

The cost of this collider was $8 billion dollars or 4 days for the War in Iraq.

In 1993 the United States Congress showed its taste for the future by cancelling America's super-collider which was projected to cost around $11 billion with a completion date in 2001.

$11 billion is about 5 days in Iraq.

But at least my shoes are safe in a US Airport.

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