Sunday, September 21, 2008


I'm in Upstate New York. 120 miles from the Canadian border. The population is 100% white. This is not Manhattan and I ask the people at stores, gas stations, and bars, if they're voting for Obama. Most men glared at me, as if I had shit in their beer. They are most certainly voting for the Old Geezer, however last night at the Green Acres Tavern in Greenwich a 55 year-old man scratched his head and admitted he was in the ranks of the undecided.

"Why?" I like seeing into people's minds.

"There's something I don't trust about him." The man worked at the local paper mill. It's running 3 shifts a day. He considers himself lucky.


"I don't know." He ordered another beer.

"Thanks for talking about it." I went back to my Labatt's Blue. Arguing about his indecision was counter-productive, since the reason was more obvious than dog's balls. White men won't vote for Obama, because he's black and they considered 'blacks' violent, lazy, and irresponsible', this according to a poll from Stanford University which concludes 40% of White Americans think of blacks as the n-word.

Only 40%?

I think someone is lying, but nearly all would admit they'd rather have Obama on their basketball team rather than John McCain.

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