JFK was supposedly the fastest speaker in the English language. Whereas expert typists can tap out 120 words per minute, JFK could string over 300 words in a minute as opposed to GW Bush's latest press conference, where he hemmed and hawed like a schoolboy caught smoking pot on a Church outing.
JFK is the recognized champ, however my fast-talking mother could have whipped JFK like a red-headed step child, mostly because women use a larger everyday lexicon than men.
16,215 versus men's 15,669.
Feeling has to be one of them.
Men only say that word singing the song FEELINGS.
Here's a sampling of words listed by The Magazine which will never cross our lips.
Book club: A female dominated affair, perhaps because women read more fiction, or perhaps because men aren't very good at talking about it
Accessorize: If men were ever to use this word it would only be in the context of cars
Body image
Empowering: Men never use this word, perhaps because for the 200,000 years humans have been on the planet, men have had all the power
Burlesque: Something involving strip-tease that can apparently involve the above
Size zero
Home birth
Pilates: Men in the UK, particularly, seem to have no interest in building up their core strength
Pomegranate: Men seem ill-equipped to understand the significance and full range of superfoods
Differing vocabularies can be a source of disagreement
Absolutely beautiful: The words women often use to describe friends who are not
Conventionally attractive: Preceded by "well I suppose she is...", a phrase women often use to describe those who actually are
Jesse Metcalfe: A walking Athena poster, see above
Footless tights: Strange idea, strangely popular
Emotional intelligence: Something that men usually do not possess, instead preferring the kind of intelligence that involves dates of battles
Kitten heels: Or indeed heels of any other kind
What are you thinking?: The classic female condition check
Feminism: If even veteran feminists can't agree on what this means then it's probably best avoided by men
Afghanistan: A place where the debate is rather starker
Agony aunt: When men seek answers to life-changing problems in magazines, it tends to be under the headline "plasma or LCD?"
Airbrushing: The process by which magazine picture editors oppress women in an underhand way
Flexible working
Handbagging: As in new Commons leader Harriet Harman's request to Theresa May not to savage her every Thursday
Beefeater: The first female one made her debut this year
Ms: Extraordinarily, the battle continues for women to be allowed to avoid definition by their marital status
Middleton: As in Kate. Style icon or harassed paparazzo target?
Why: As in "why do you never call?"
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