This addition has nothing to do with sex.
As a child my moother tried to improve my speech by having me say 'toy boat' three times fast.
Impossible with a stutter.
Thais utilize the same practice. I guess all languages do. Here's a sampling from www.2bankgok.com
1.) Kluai tanee plai wee hiaw, hew wee pai hew wee ma; lua wee diaw.
Bunches of (a kind of) bananas with drying tips are carried to and fro for a day; then only one comb is left.
No one said they have to make sense.
2.) Cham kiaw kwam chao; cham kao kwam kam.
The green bowl is turned down in the morning; The white bowl is turned down in the evening.
Even in the best families.
3.) Hen tahan baek peun berk poon pai boke teuk.
I saw a soldier carrying a gun took out clay to build a building
Swords into ploughshares?
4.) Yakyai lai yaklek; yaklek lai yakyai.
A big demon chased a small demon; a small demon chased a big demon.
Dog chasing its tail?
5.) Ranong, Rayong, Yala.
Three southern cities renowned for being southern.
6.) Pid pratu boat, peut pratu boat.
Open the chapel's door, closing the chapel's door.
7.) Khrai khaii khai gai.
Who sells chicken eggs?
The woman crossing the road.
8.) Chao faad pud fug; yen faad fug pud.
Morning, eating stir fried cucumber/melon; evening eating fried cucumber/melon.
That's more obvious than dog's balls.
9.) Rod yont lor yaang; rod raang lor lek.
Morning, eating stir fried cucumber/melon; evening eating fried cucumber/melon.
Little baby's buggy carriage three times fast.
Actually I can say that after two beers.
Leos not Changs.
http://www.mangozeen.com/13-thai-words-for-smile.htm" target="_blank">Text Display
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